
頻道:解夢 日期: 瀏覽:2


Roujiamo(Meat burger) 肉夾饃


Roujiamois one of the most famous street foods in Xi'an and is also known as China's version of the hamburger. It's usually filled with diced pork tossed with green peppers and coriander before being stuffed to fill crispy oven-baked buns.


Yangrou paomo(Pita bread soaked in lamb soup) 羊肉泡饃

[Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Yangrou paomo, or pita bread soaked in lamb soup, is another signature food of Xi'an. The main ingredient in this mouth-watering dish is mutton and pita bread. The hard bread is shredded and added to a bowl, then topped with stewed and sliced mutton, scallion, coriander and chili; then the soup is poured over all of it.


Biangbiangnoodles (Stewed-pork hand-ripped noodles) 褲帶面


Biangbiangnoodles are thick, fat and long. Each belt-like strand is three fingers wide, spiraling down into a big bowl. It is served dry, with toppings of chili and pork belly in alternating layers of fat and lean meat.

Biangbiangnoodles are famous not only for their distinctive taste, but also for its name, which is a character so complicated many Chinese don't even know how to write it. Biang is the onomatopoeic name the noodles are given, referring to the sound chefs make when they pull the dough into noodles and bang them against the table.

Biangbiang面又粗又寬又長,像褲腰帶一樣,因為扯面師傅在撞面的時候會發出biang biang的聲音而得名。

Liangpi(Cold noodles) 涼皮


Liangpiare cold noodles made from wheat or rice flour, and a popular dish in many other places in China, especially in summer. It looks translucent and tastes cold, and is known for its white color, thin shape, smooth surface, pliable texture and tender and savory taste.


Youpo mian(Oil-sprayed noodles) 油潑面


Youpo mian, oil-sprayed noodles with spicy sauce, are hand-pulled noodles with a sizzling oil dressing. Boiling oil is poured over the top to create a special fragrance when serving.


Zenggao(Rice cake) 甑糕


Zenggaois a rice cake made of sticky rice and Chinese jujubes. It earns its name from its cooker, the zeng, a traditional steamer with small holes.


Huluji(Gourd-shaped chicken) 葫蘆雞


Huluji, gourd-shaped chicken, is boiled and deep-fried until tender. After being carefully selected, the hen will be boiled, steamed and fried in a gourd-shape, hence its name. The chicken has golden and crisp skin as well as fresh and tender meat.


Soup dumplings 灌湯包子


Soup dumplings are steamed buns served with sauce inside. They are finely processed with carefully-chosen materials. They feature fresh meats, thin and elastic wrappers, gleaming surfaces and rich flavor.


Guokui(dry bread) 鍋盔


Guokui, or dry bread, tastes crispy outside and soft inside. It's usually paired with pepper, onion, garlic and other spices.


Dumpling banquet 餃子宴


No visit to Xi'an is complete unless you try the dumplings. They are made in different shapes, colors and flavors - sour, sweet or peppery.

Chefs making dumplings have moved from the traditional fillings of pork, beef, mutton and vegetables to mixed fillings with chicken, duck, fish, eggs and other delicacies from land and sea. Cooking methods have also expanded, from boiling and steaming to frying and grilling.


(來源:中國日報網 編譯:丹妮)
